Hopewell supported illegal U.S. sanctions on Zimbabwe, which, according to the U.S. Congress subcommittee on health and human rights impact assessment report, and the UN Human Rights Council report on the negative impact of sanctions on Zimbabwe, persecuted civilians, compromised our healthcare systems, deprived innocent civilians of basic human rights, and displaced refugees into foreign countries.
Even with these reports condemning these sanctions, he opposed our fight against them, but now he wants to pretend to care about the same innocent people displaced and by deduction, killed, by the same sanctions he supported?
In 2022, he began to incite South African vigilante groups like Dudula and Put South Africa First to attack Zimbabweans, while encouraging the South African Home Affairs to mass deport them. This he was doing on the behest of his handlers who wanted Zimbabweans to be deported back home so that they could suffer under the illegal western sanctions until they were agitated enough to revolt against the government, to bring about unconstitutional regime change.
This forced Simba Chitando to fight the Minister of Home Affairs in South Africa, to stop Hopewell's diabolical plan. Where was Hopewell when Simba Chitando was fighting the South African Home Affairs department to stop the unconstitutional slave-like ejection of Zimbabwean workers from South Africa without due process or their pensions?
Additionally, he has been used to denigrate ZASM's fight against Innscor and their illegal GMOs containing cancer-causing chemicals that could be responsible for, or exacerbating, the cancer crisis that is forcing Zimbabweans to seek cancer treatment outside Zimbabwe.
Now, the same person who was paid to deter those of us fighting attacks on our country that injure innocent Zimbabweans, wants to create a pressure organization to sue the government of Zimbabwe in foreign courts for not delivering basic services that were destroyed by the very illegal sanctions and toxic food he supported?
Meanwhile, the same man refuses to join us in suing the U.S. for reparations to fix the social ills they created, or holding Innscor accountable for their illegal GMOs that contain toxic cancer-causing chemicals.
It's illogical. Even when we sued South African banks and the U.S. government for their illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe, Hopewell opposed our fight to protect the same sanctions and imperialist interests. We had to be supported by Americans themselves, to remove those sanctions instead.
So, how can Hopewell now claim to care about lifting the lives of Zimbabweans who he helped the Americans and their Western partners to destroy for their regime change agenda?