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  • Writer's picturerutendo matinyarare


Innscor, Bakers Inn, Chicken Inn and Pizza Inn
Innscor shops: Bakers Inn, Chicken Inn and Pizza Inn

I have noted the interim court order granted to Innscor for allegations that I made defamatory statements against them. In turn, I have complied accordingly with the interim order.

Nevertheless, I would like to point out that an interim court order is not a final court order but it’s only valid for 30 days, and it is not proof that Innscor was defamed. It is merely an order given as relief to Innscor while we fight it out in court to determine whether my comments were malicious, defamatory, factual or fair comment. There will also be a test of whether my comments were made maliciously to damage Innscor’s brand or whether they were made in public interest.

The case still has a long way to go, and many facts shall be interrogated and ventilated in court to test the voracity of my claims before any party can claim damages, costs or celebrate victory. #RutendoVsInnscor


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