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  • Writer's picturerutendo matinyarare

Focus on producing quality, health giving, organic food today.

Updated: Sep 26, 2018

What are the most important things for a human being? Health, Food, Shelter, Mental Well-Being and Sex. Without health you can’t eat, have sex, make money, have happiness or live.


“Focus on producing quality, health giving, organic food today. And the world will knock your door down with money for your product tomorrow when healthy food is no where to be found.”

Health giving food has the capability of taking marketshare from pharmaceutical companies, the medical system and all other industries because health is the greatest of the needs.

Healthy food is your doctor, treatment and medication all in one. The whole of Africa is a food and drink pharmacy, hence the owners of the pharmaceutical system are striving to poison our soils, destroy our seeds and deforest to kill it.

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