1/7 Many nations have had visionary leaders whose visions and countries have been devastated by attacks on them by foreign tyrants seeking their resources.
A case in point, 80yrs ago Europe was destroyed by German [colonial] attacks that caused more than 100mil deaths, food shortages, low farm output, dysfunctional hospitals, failing currencies, deindustrialization, debt, inflation, millions starving to death and corruption.
2/7 In history they taught us that these European leaders who put their people through suffering by going to war with Germany, were heroes who made a sacrifice to stand up against German tyranny [despite the cost in the short term] to ensure a better Europe for future generations.
Irrespective of the suffering and starvation European citizens endured, they look[ed] upon these leaders as heroes because of what they achieved in the long term.
This is besides the fact that the likes of Churchill killed more than 4mil Indians of starvation, while diverting their food produce to alleviate European hunger and to advance England’s war efforts.
It took decades to rebuild Europe after these great wars. And it was only achieved by them receiving reparations from Germany while continuing their own tyranny, colonialism, rape, war and destabilization in Africa for resources. A plan deceptively coined the Martial Plan.
This they did even though these same nations fought against German colonization in their own lands for almost 50yrs.
3/7 Today Zimbabwe is in the same position as Europe was during their great wars. It’s been under siege by western super powers who lust for its resources for the past 18yrs. And Mugabe [with his party] has stood alone without the support of other African countries and fought an economic and psychological war for the future of the next generation of Africans.
These western attacks [sanctions] -undertaken to continue building Europe off Africa’s stolen resources and labor- have caused thousands of deaths, food shortages, deindustrialization, dysfunctional hospitals, causing debt and inflation in Zimbabwe as they did for Europe last century.
But for some reason, even though he was the leader of a nation under attack by tyrants seeking his people’s resources. Although he never killed 4mil people like Churchill the hero, Mugabe is referred to as a dictator who destroyed his nation.
He is not punted as a visionary leader and hero who sacrificed to fight western tyranny for a better future for coming generations, even though he did precisely what European leaders did through the great wars, except colonizing others.
4/7 His own countrymen do not realize that this visionary man built a great economy, one of the best healthcare and education systems in Africa that attracted migrants from across the continent.
All of which were destroyed [like Europe was once destroyed] by western attacks [sanctions] which are aimed at under-developing this progressive country to convince black people across the world that they are failures who don’t have any heroes to sacrifice for them except the white man who they must reward with their resources.
5/7 Mugabe knew that even after this war, there would be no reparations or other countries for Zimbabwe to exploit to rebuild like Europe did. All that Zimbabweans [as a black nation in an anti-black world] would have to use to build an economy would be their collective thoughts, ideas, labor, unity, investment and resources, hence he fought to give them education, healthcare and control of their resources.
He knew that in this anti-black world where they will never get reparations for western tyranny, they would need healthy people, unity, control of their resources and skills to rebuild their nation and Africa, regardless that many Zimbabweans are yet to understand his extraordinary vision. It’s for this long term vision that he and his nation are being collectively punished and sabotaged by west to fail.
Africa‘s control of its resources, continental collaborative investment and communal development [cooperation] remains the greatest threat to Europe’s parasitic Capitalist model of development, hence they are taking Zimbabweans to war to kill the proof of concept of what could kill imperial Capitalism.
6/7 We are told daily that Mugabe was not a hero but instead it’s the leader who never sacrificed to fight tyranny. The man liberated from prison by the sacrifice of Africa and his people. The one who left his nation’s wealth in the hands of the oppressor, leaving his people enslaved, bitter, murdering, raping, ignorant, uneducated and drowning in consumption debt & poverty, who they put as our icon.
For his service to the white man, his family inherited billions in tenders, positions and shares in blue chip companies in South Africa, and he was packaged [by whites] as the only true hero in Africa.
7/7 The lenses you see through affect what you see and the voices you listen to affect how you think. Your enemy will never praise your heroes who defeat them in war but they will praise their agents who they plant in your midst.
Rutendo Bereza Matinyarare. A message endorsed by #ZimbabweansUniteAgainstUSWarSanctions